Plant-based - Local - Sustainable



Economically empower women and youth with technology and training to support sustainable small-scale production of affordable, nutrient-dense, plant-based food in communities with high rates of malnutrition and poverty.

Who We Are, What We Do & Why It Matters

  • Mission: Economically empower women and youth through provision of technology to support sustainable small-scale production of affordable, nutrient-dense, plant-based food in communities with high rates of malnutrition and poverty.

Malnutrition Matters is a Canadian-registered, non-profit organization, dedicated to providing sustainable low-cost food technology solutions for malnutrition, primarily through processing of local soybeans. The technologies offered are platforms for micro-enterprise that enable a sustainable approach: income is earned by women and youth while affordable, nutrient-dense food is provided locally. Use of local produce and plant-based protein enable 5 to 10 times less energy, land and water use compared to animal-based proteins.

Malnutrition Matters' Goals

Empowerment of Women & Smallholder Farmers

Sustainable Micro-Enterprise: Rural and Urban

Affordable, Improved, Plant-based Nutrition: Rural and Urban

Ten-fold reduction in GHGs, land & water use

Impact Achieved

Over 300,000 food consumers have received servings of affordable soymilk or yoghurt for an extended period

Over 5,000 primarily women entrepreneurs produced or are producing high-protein food in their communities

Cumulative profits for the entrepreneurs are over $4M, with no profit leakage to outside interests

Over 3,000 tons of carbon emissions have been saved

Local farmers have sold 2,500 tons of soybeans = annual output from over 1,000 smallholder farms


Women Empowerment


Malawi Case Study

Climate-smart Food

MM was recently featured in the July 2023 issue of Food Technology magazine. 


Discover how MM is making a difference in high-need areas worldwide with our innovative soy processing systems!


Read the article here

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